Saturday, January 9, 2010

It's Nice to Know They Care

The Obama-Reid-Pelosi Troika is welcoming 2010 with seventy-three new tax increases that went into effect on January 1, 2010. Over $1 Billion new tax increases were on energy alone! Surprisingly, most of that was for renewable and more efficient energy sources.

The House has passed legislation (H.R. 4213) that would have prevented these tax increases, but the Senate failed to bring this bill to a vote.

Happy New Year!

New Energy Taxes:

•    $3 MILLION tax increase on alternative/hybrid motor vehicles (sec 30B(k)(3))

•    $736 MILLION tax increase on biodiesel and renewable diesel (sec 40A(g), secs. 6426(c)(6) and 6427 (e)(5)(B))

•    $20 MILLION tax increase on new energy efficient home building (sec 45L(g))

•    $70 MILLION taxes on issuing clean renewable energy bonds (CREBs) (sec 54M)

•    $6 MILLION tax increase on advanced mine safety equipment (sec 179E)

•    $50 MILLION new taxes on capital costs incurred by small diesel refiners(sec 179B(a))

•    $188 MILLION taxes on “brownfields” environmental remediation (sec 198(h))

•    $84 MILLION taxes on income attributable to domestic production activities in Puerto Rico (Sec 199(d)(7))

•    $67 MILLION new taxes on oil and gas marginal wells (sec 613A(c)(6)(H))

•    $94 MILLION tax increase on alternative fuel and alternative fuel mixtures (excluding liquefied hydrogen) (secs. 6426(d)(5) and 6427 (e)(6)(C)

That’s $1,318,000,000 in taxes increases on energy alone! Thank you Congress, keep up the great work!! (ATR)



MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, one of the leading academic defenders of health care reform, is taking heat for failing to disclose consistently that he was under contract with the Department of Health and Human Services while he was touting the Democrats’ health proposals  the media.

But while he was being paid to provide his services to HHS, he was also fending off health care reform critics in the media. Gruber was one of the prominent analysts to rebut an insurance industry report from PricewaterhouseCoopers in October saying premiums would shoot up if a health care bill passes. And he has recently written columns defending specific provisions in the House and Senate bills, particularly the “Cadillac tax” on high-cost insurance plans.(FoxNews)

So who ratted him out, Liberal Union bloggers afraid that their own benefits would be cut. The Daily Kos (about as extreme left as you can get) declared that, given Gruber’s contract, the “fix was in” for the Cadillac plan.

But don’t expect to hear this one one the Mainstream Media.

So what if some of the “experts” are actually hacks for the Administration pushing the biggest Socialist program in American History!

That’s not newsworthy for the Mainstream Media. The Ministry of Truth is far more interested in Tiger Woods and Jay Leno.


Question: What was the most shocking, stunning thing that you found out of the review? And, Secretary, to you, as well.

SECRETARY NAPOLITANO: I think, following up on that, not just the determination of al Qaeda and al Qaeda Arabian Peninsula, but the tactic of using an individual to foment an attack, as opposed to a large conspiracy or a multi-person conspiracy such as we saw in 9/11, that is something that affects intelligence. It really emphasizes now the renewed importance on how different intelligence is integrated and analyzed, and threat streams are followed through. And, again, it will impact how we continue to review the need to improve airport security around the world. (real clear politics)


Yes, “The system worked” Janet.


Robert Gibbs, The mouthpiece of the Obama Administration when pressed about the complete lack of transparency that Candidate Obama promised refused to answer when pressed saying things like “well you had my answer yesterday” and “the president wants something on his desk as soon as possible”

The State of Union Campaign Speech perhaps?

Nancy Pelosi had the best gloss on Obama’s transparency pledge, sloughing it off as just another one of those disposable things he said on the trail. But this gets to the essential insincerity of Obama’s former good-government purism, of the pledge to take public funds in the general election (abandoned when the vista of mounds of private dollars beckoned), of post-partisanship (abandoned when it might constrain his ambitions), and of open negotiations (abandoned on first contact with reality).

He punked voters into believing he represented a new way of doing business, before immediately embracing the old practices on behalf of a very old agenda of state aggrandizement. (RCP)

And created the MOST partisan administration ever.

The Democrats want to govern without questions and  a media that’s just adores them, if only they could get rid of those pesky Republicans , bloggers, and FOX.

Even very liberal Jack Cafferty on CNN ripped into Congress and President Obama:

It’s painfully obvious the American people don’t want ObamaCare and equally obvious that the Democrats, especially President Obama, don’t particularly care.

It’s Transparent, you might say. :)

The Democrats feel inoculated against voter dissatisfaction because they’ve bought into their own wishful narrative: that voters punished them in 1994 because they failed to pass HillaryCare, not because they tried. Thus, the thinking goes, the way to get voters to forgive them for ObamaCare is to pass it.(IBD)

As I have said in previous blogs, I liken it to a Drug Dealer forcing the “patient” to become addicted to his drug so he can sell them more of it.

Not that they wanted it. But he wanted them to want it.

That’s today US Congressional Democrats.

The Drug of course is government control  (“free”) of who lives and who dies.

Nothing serious.

So let’s do it in secret.

And as I have said before I don’t think the Democrats really care about the 2010 election as much as they care about winning their ultimate prize.

What’s an election compared to the long-term addiction to Government Health Care.

That’s just peanuts.

So what if they lied up their asses to get the power. Now that they have it, they want to use it.

The Agenda Uber Alles.


Why would a think like public opinion matter?

And November is 10 months away.

The media will make them forget.

Lull them to sleep with more reality shows, puff pieces and other inane Bread & Circuses.

After, the big controversy in the media was whether The State of The Union was going to Pre-empt either American Idol or Lost!

It will be neither.

You don’t want to make the people angry now do you… :)

Then they will bribe them into submission.

And those they can’t bribe they’ll scare them.

That’s their plan anyways.

So what if taxes are raised.

It’s not like they care.

Democracy is safe. :)


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