Saturday, February 13, 2010

New World Order Super Bowl Commercials Reviewed and Exposed!

As I’ve been learning more and more about how the Illuminati and the NWO work throughout the years I’m seeing that the best way to hide something is in plane sight. Through out this work I will help you identify the messages that are coming through with my own comments as well as proof that some of these commercials are not what they seem.

They are hiding messages in front of your face and telling you! Dare to believe that we are being manipulated. I mean, during the most watched event of the year, your bound to find some messages. Everyones watching. I was watching did you watch? Even if you didn’t it’s still true that it’s the most viewed event.

So lets discover

“New World Order Super Bowl Commercials Reviewed and Exposed!”


The first commercial I’m going to expose is the phone called “KGB”. What we fail to realize is that the KGB was a secret police of the Russian government (it’s the CIA) in which had great influence of hypnosis and/or NLP. This first commercial is a great place to start because it will actually tell you another reason of how hypnosis works, every commercial that follows this one is based on the research trials of these Russian scientist. Mostly their work best known for Operation Iron Curtain. In which psychic experiments we’re taking place.

Feel free to learn more about the KGB by watching “The KGB Psychic Files” here:

(watching just the first 10-20 minutes will concern you enough to see something wrong with this commercial)

kgb commercial:

I also would recommend viewing the article CIA Mind Control Doctors: From Harvard to Guantanamo by clicking HERE

Next I will not add just one commercial but we find that the redundant commercials involving Budlight and Doritos is enough to make anyone’s brain cells kill themselves. I personal do not find it funny that a main stream Alcoholic beverage is being marketed during the Superbowl promoting a “fuck it, lets fuck & get drunk” aspect. Not very enlightening. Then the stupid Doritos commercials are about as bad. If we don’t already know both of these products are DRUGS. MSG in itself is a hypnosis drug and so is alcohol, so here we see mass manipulation driving back to the KGB.

I will share 1 commercial so you can see what I mean:

This next commercial by far takes the cake when it comes to extremism they are making you laugh about in this next commercial. This next commercial is about keeping the Earth “Green” and to do that they are showing you to your face, what they are more then willing to start doing to YOU! This is fascism 101 people, this isn’t funny, this isn’t ethical – in sense this is against all of our constitution. Mind you I’m all for keeping garbage pollution down, but what this comes down to is “Global Warming”.

Recently a hacker broke into a University and obtained what they call the “Climate Gate” E-mails which shows with %100 proof that Global Warming is a fraud by this people who wish to see a movement of one world government. In fact I’m going to highly suggest to you, right now, to understand more about this by viewing “The Global Warming Swindle” by Clicking HERE!!

Here’s a brief preview of an online new report about this Climate Gate event

But without to much more to say, I would recommend reviewing documentation throughout the past of the Illuminati and how they intend to create a one world government in which they and they’re friends will be able to control, of course higher means apply but for you, this will have to do.

Here is the unconstitutional commercial that should be banned!

This next one I consider the most frightening of all. Beyond what the commercial is for this type of hypnosis in magazines and printed material has been around for quiet awhile now. Let me share with you an article I reposted not too long before this commercial was played in fact I will link it, but I will also just share the section of the article I wish for you to see, then while watching this commercial I want you to listen to the words they are telling you. This by far is the most hypnotic in sense of straight out lies and confusion, this commercial alone with the following articles and clips should be enough for you to see that what I tell you here on this page, is not fabricated loony bin information that they try to tell you it is, conspiracies or not, shall you not see the point I am making, you may as well lay down your mind and forget ever having a true Human experience.

Here’s the section “Printed Material” under the article Subliminal Stimuli: Sleep, Obey, Sex. I highly encourage you to read the entire article in full by clicking HERE

Printed Material:


Printed Material

In printed material such as magazines and newpapers, the words SEX,


so on are embedded (lighly written) in the background of ads and

pictures. The word SEX is omnipresent, and occurs as a mosaic several

thousand times on the average page. SEX is usually written much like a

person would write the word with a pen – thin lines. SLEEP and GAY are

also ubiquitous. However, GAY and SLEEP are generally written much

larger than SEX and have a cloud like (puffy font) appearance.

KILL, PAIN, and FEAR are usually reserved for children and hostile

political leaders. Most every child you see in print (Time Magazine,

Vogue, Your Daily Paper, etc) has the word KILL embedded across his or

her forehead. The idea behind this is quite clear: associate death

with children. Now try to follow me on this one folks. Have you ever

heard a young person saying something like, “Death before marrage?” or

“A kid — never!”

To digress briefly, the birth rate in the US has gone from 3.9

children per female in 1950 to 1.2 children per female in 1990. Note

subliminal programming was not used largely until the mid-1950s. Do you

people get it? We are breeding ourselves into extinction! In forty

years, our birth rate has more than halved. By subliminally equating

children with KILL, PAIN, and FEAR the mind manipulators have eradicated a

large number of us — prenatally!

You might ask, then, why embedded SEX? Doesn’t this promote sexual

activity? My answer is yes! Mental sex. By embedding the word SEX on

a new car, the advertizing man has successfully equated the purchasing

(and driving, viewing, washing, etc) of a car to sexual activity! Want

sexual gratification – buy an new car! The embedded ad slips by the

conscious defenses and over time perverts and mutates the sexual drive.


Next piece of evidence I would like to direct you to Michael Tsarion’s work

on hypnosis under his documentary “The Subversive Use Of Sacred Symbolism

In The Media ” please view this section and then finally review the said

commercial below to see how serious of an issue this is!

Click Here To Watch “The Subversive Use Of Sacred Symbolism”

I would strongly recommend that you watch the entire

“The Subversive Use Of Sacred Symbolism In The Media”

by clicking HERE

So here is your #1 most screwed up commercial of 2010 Superbowl

Heres another example of this by the website


Another technique advertisers is low-intensity light and its auditory equivalent low-volume sound. Graphic artists paint faint subliminal images below the conscious threshold of perception but above the unconscious perception threshold. By far the most commonly embedded image is the word SEX. Key have said that “advertisers have indiscriminately sexualized virtually everything they publish or broadcast with subliminal SEXes.” Often, graphic artists mosaic SEXes onto textured surfaces or in edges, shadows, and highlights. Just pick up any major magazine, relax, and stare into it for a couple of minutes. You will soon find these SEXes popping out at you. Other commonly used words are FUCK, DIE, and KILL, among other emotionally loaded four letter words. Such subliminal instructions are dangerous indeed. Dixon writes, “It may be impossible to resist instructions which are not consciously experienced.”


I would also recommend watching Michael Tsarion’s documentary

film “Architects of Control” by clicking HERE

Also we see quiet a few commercials of males taking a hit, of being

subservient to women and basically taking a point of view that

we are powerless to situations, this has been used for quiet awhile in

media programs, our food and cleaning agents have been

manipulated to create more feminized, all you need after that is the

trigger words or images to formulate the desired personality trait

“they” want to see in you.

The more passive they can make people the better it is for their

situation of one world government, the less people stand up because

they are passive, because this is what they are fed literally and shown

you will follow through projecting outward like a parrot.

To see more about foods that manipulate the hormones inside the

body read

Again we see NLP being put upon you

laying out idea’s that are not your own if you believe it or not.

This is really a lower aspect but still applies.

So is it really just paranoia? Is it really outrageous to believe after reviewing

all of the documents in the past and present about manipulation that these

commercials are more than they say?

I’ll leave that to you, but from my research. I’m completely and fully aware of

this type of illusion they play everyday. Although all the commercials shown but

a few we’re full of higher forms of manipulation, these are the ones I found to

be most worthy of being exposed.

Please share this with people you know.

-Simranjeet Singh

PS: Want to know more about sacred knowledge such as this. Consider looking

into the Global Information Network. The banner is listed on the side bar. You’ll

see that what I’m saying even further is reveal even quicker.

This is only for those people who wish to learn more, otherwise please do not

sign up for an affiliate or member of this membership because you will be weeded

out anyway by your own accord.


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