Thursday, October 1, 2009

Spreading out the links

No, not a very good post last night. I don’t know why I try sermonettes with blind links, it’s just not a very good format.

You want Glenn Beck? Then you should know the link is to his specious attacks on Valerie Jarrett who, near as I can figure from the visuals, was a close personal friend (if not a lover) of Che Guevara.

You want War on Drugs? It would be deceptive of me not to admit this link goes to nothing stronger than Zyrtec-D cold medicine, but that and a box of Mucinex-D purchased within a week of each other. Still, good enough to get an Indiana grandmother busted for meth abuse. (Actually, more interesting than the shrink who thinks potheads are addicted to risk, as in the risk of getting arrested. And yet another salvia divinorum update from Matt Snyders, complete with hed typo and police lies.)

Republican nitwittery on sex education? Actually, more about the flagrant nincompoopery of Blanche Lincoln and Kent Conrad who, it is rumored, are not having kinky, twisted hetero sex with each other.

Gun Czar?!!! No, just Lou Dobbs touching himself on the air again.

Yeah, I could play that game all day but mostly I think you just want the links. Like to more about Gov. Rick Perry abruptly dismissing three of the investigators charged with determining whether or not Cameron Todd Willingham was innocent of the crimes he was executed for. Perry did this just a few days before the panel’s report was due out, so I think it’s safe to say that Texas is now officially out of control and really, really, really into killing its own citizens.

Healthcare? OK, now we definitely need a list:

Even federal workers finding healthcare plans to be budget busters

A Tiny Revolution on Alan Grayson’s remarks (more)

Dean Baker on choice


And how about a list for what’s politically shaking?

Al Franken and Dave Durenberger on the same page?

CNN says Honduras is a mess

The war against keeping our cities safe

Mindeman’s latest DFL guv rankings (maybe the only Vikings-less list in MN)


Coulter v Behar

Rather disappointed, takes his case to Fox

Bernie Goldberg calls out Fox on teabagger coverage

Debunking lies about Iran

Embedded ads, and I do regret burying this brilliant Jay Leno video in last night’s blind-post-a-thon UPDATE: More on Leno

You can’t call Pawlenty Gov. BridgeFAIL in the Strib’s comments (scroll down to comments 17-19)


No seriously, now it’s TFW

I’m getting it, but I’m not falling in love with BMTN (then again, I don’t think I’m their audience)

More on MERS

A serious shaming moment for squareheads everywhere

A shaming moment to share with Swedes, Danes and Germans

I’m a nutjob?



Moby at the Fine Line tonight

Just downloaded a mess of Otis Taylor and am regretting not plugging his Dakota show (it’s music like his that makes me think I need to hook up with some money and start going out again)

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