Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Nightmare of Christianity

Max Blumenthal, writing for the Nation, describes how a young man went from being oppressed as a young Christian, to rebellion via various occult traditions, to murder and suicide. The media played a part in blaming his violence on his beliefs during his rebellious phase, while avoiding or glossing over the crucial role his earlier brainwashing played in eroding his mental health. This story is three pages long, and well worth the read.

A few miles down the road from Colorado Springs [a home to James Dobson's Focus on the Family], in the quiet bedroom community of Eldredge, a deeply disturbed young man named Matthew Murray followed the unfolding debacle at New Life Church [once under the stewardship of Pastor Ted Haggard] with an interest that bordered on obsession. Murray, a sallow-faced, bespectacled 24-year-old, had been indelibly scarred by a lifetime of psychological abuse at the hands of his charismatic Pentecostal parents. Murray’s mind became crowded with thoughts of death, destruction, and the killings he would soon carry out in the name of avenging what he called his “nightmare of Christianity.”

Read the rest and leave comments. What do you think will happen with the many kids being raised the same way Murray was?

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